

Breastfeeding help

Breastfeeding takes time to learn, but you also need great support on your side. IBCLCs are the gold standard of breastfeeding care and support. If you’re struggling with breastfeeding challenges like pain with latching, difficulty positioning your baby, tongue and lip tie concerns, or you’re worried about baby getting enough milk, you’ve come to the right place.

Meet Eden

Eden Marziali Nevarez, IBCLC is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant and owner of Bonding with Baby Lactation. She has been working with breastfeeding families for more than10 years. Eden is passionate about making breastfeeding easier and sustainable for the long-haul.

Book a lactation visit

In office or in-home visits are available. Office visits are by appointment only, located inside In Full Bloom Midwifery office in Ocala. Some insurances are in-network.

For more information, please call or e-mail:

Tel: (352) 897-0375


Hours: 8am-3pm Monday-Friday

Home visits and Office visits are by appointment only.

"Eden, you really helped me navigate how I was going to keep nursing my little angel while dealing with my health challenges. When I was diagnosed with a tumor and had to go in for an MRI (with contrast) I thought I'd have to pump and dump. Then you helped me plan how I was going to nurse while in hospital for surgery and whether I could nurse right after anesthesia. I thought that taking pain meds post-op meant I had to dump my milk but I learned that's not the case, even if my milk was a different color than usual."