Breastfeeding Services


Lactation consultation

If you are unsure if your baby is breastfeeding well, have concerns such as nipple pain, low milk supply, latching difficulty, tethered oral tissues, feeding management with infant cleft lip or torticollis, infant weight gain concerns, combo(breast and formula feeding), breastfeeding a preemie, breastfeeding twins or oversupply, you should be seen by an IBCLC right away. These problems can be minor at first but lead to long term or irreversible problems if not addressed early on.


Prenatal class

A prenatal lactation consult is helpful to first time parents, and parents who have struggled with breastfeeding in the past. We will go over biological nurturing, infant reflexes, normal lactation progress, how to get breastfeeding off to a good start, how to tell baby is breastfeeding effectively, how to maintain your supply long-term, and how to know when you need IBCLC help. This is a private class, tailored to your concerns and questions.

Cash pay fees

Lactation consultation: $110

Prenatal lactation class: $80

In-home visits: Add $40 travel fee

Aetna and Humana Military(Tricare East) insurances are in-network and most plans cover your visit. All other insurances may reimburse your visit if you have out of network coverage, but you must pay up front. Military, First Responders, and Teachers mention 10% discount for cash pay fees.

For more information, please call or e-mail:

Tel: (352) 897-0375

Hours: 8am-3pm Monday-Friday

Home visits and Office visits are by appointment only.

"My daughter had Eden help with her lactation difficulties over the weekend. She was so kind, professional, gentle, and had so much knowledge to share. She was able to answer all questions, she was easy to talk to. She is definitely client oriented in the sense that she really sat there and took the time to try multiple techniques to find the right options and solutions for my daughter and her baby. Eden really helped my daughter turn her lactation difficulties around. Now my daughter can nurse her baby with confidence and truly enjoy the experience."